Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Temporary Secretary - Brilliant Blog!

I found this fab blog the other day and meant to "do" something with it over the weekend - but, you know how it goes.... Too little time to get to grips with "stuff"

So, here it is.... This particular post was one I found intriguing entitled "Back To School"

This outfit I am wearing does resemble a school uniform, it was unintentional! "School girl" was definitely not the look I was going for! I think it's because I look a bit younger (I am 26 years old - and I still get ID'd. Even for a ordering a cup of tea at a pub once!) and because of that, I can't pull off it off in the fashionable way like Alexa Chung. I'm wearing it with a black skirt here so a little bit boring but will style it differently next time.

I think this week, everyone is back at school or college and normality resumes. For uni students, it will be freshers week soon - I am really jealous! I am, of course, not a student anymore. I miss my student loan! As bad as this sounds, my first stop was always Thorntons and then M&S for food (treats!). Good luck to everyone who are about to start university this September. Regretfully, I did not make the most of my first year. I was very financially unprepared. Looking back, it seems stupid how I had little I did save. I had money but just not enough. The loan went on rent and I spent all my time selling all my possessions on eBay to earn some extra money. I came home every weekend, and I didn't join in with very much as a fresher. It wasn't until the end of 1st year that I came out of my shell a little bit, started going out and then I spent the summer saving money so that I could enjoy 2nd year (which I did!) If I could do first year all over again, I would do it differently.

Thank you so much for the nice comments on mine and Oscar's first video! I might do more vids, but I'm really quite shy (and I hate my own voice!) so I'm not sure, I definitely need to practise! But I would love to show everyone some Temporary:Secretary jewellery because that is something I've always wanted to do. I get emails from people asking if they can have freebies so they can review our jewellery on YouTube, which, unfortunately, is a request I can no longer fulfil. I think this is something I'd like to do myself. Of course, not to review it (it would be so incredibly bias views!) but I think it's nice to see something live rather than as an image, and it is a good way to show people how big or small a piece of jewellery is). If I was to start doing this then I'd start with rings because they're my favourite type of jewellery at the moment and I have SO many that are available in the shop. I would love your feedback on this, whether it is something you'd like to watch, or if you have suggestions on what you'd like to see (more of Oscar?) then I am happy to hear what you think! I'm out of my depth when it comes to vlogging.

I am aiming to blog everyday this week so see you back here, same time tomorrow! :)

Click the link to check out the full article and visit the rest of the Temporary Secretary blog

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